Saturday, January 3, 2009

A memorable year end

Although I can't for the life of me remember how we began 2008, I am quite sure I won't forget it's end.

After years (at least 12) of living in miniscule rented rooms and tiny flats, apartments and condominiums, we just may move into our own home in 2009. A proper home. With a garden/yard. And the possibility of more bookshelves! (laugh).

I will remember December 2008 as a month filled with late night house hunting on the web (how did our parents find homes?), viewing an I'd-rather-not-say number of "handyman special" fixer-uppers and gathering all my old dog-eared IKEA catalogues. As troubling as the economy is, it has given some of us a second chance to afford a home in the Bay Area.

DS writes a pictograph code for our realtor's husband.

It is an exciting time for my family. But it humbles and saddens me that thousands have been forced out of a home they probably spent their entire life savings buying and remodeling. My joy comes at the cost of another family losing theirs. All the more reason for me to treasure the property we will finally choose.

On a happier note, we have a new year and new beginning to look forward to. Things may get worse before they get better but at least there's hope. I have not made a bunch of resolutions. I quit doing that ages ago but I do have aspirations to be an earlier riser and to make healthier dietary choices (laugh). To listen more, speak less. (chuckle...or "Gor!" as Miggery Sow would say).

How will you spend 2009? If you homeschool, what changes (if any) do you have planned? I would love to know :)

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  1. Hi Suji,

    I hope that in 2009 I'm quicker to get rid of what doesn't work for us in homeschooling and go more with what does. For instance, for supposed ease of use I had dd(7) doing spelling up a level or so and ds (10) down a level, and it wasn't working at all for either kid. As of today dd is happy with some easily printable worksheets, and ds is continuing with the spelling program at a faster pace. Here's hoping I find more such "tweaks" to make to make homeschooling more joyful! Best to you and your ds.

  2. Do let me know if you're successful Christina. I am wondering why some books take us ages to complete while others get done in the blink of an eye. And at the same time I 'm loathe to let the slower ones go. I have a feeling we're going to veer closer to unschooling in the coming year as well. Hope you have a fun year :)


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