Saturday, December 17, 2011

We're On Holiday!

The Funschoolers are taking a much-needed break!

The Christmas tree is finally up, thanks to kiddo taking over the decorating this year. Relinquishing control was easier than expected for this one!

We're trying to make a few sculpey ornaments. Kiddo made a python and an atom bomb (don't ask) and I made a pig, a Santa and a Happy Feet-like penguin. I overbaked the figurines and they emerged looking black and a tad upset about it in our oven so we're trying to whitewash/ color them now lol.

A holiday isn't a holiday without a bunch of good books to read so up on the menu for the next two weeks:

1. A bunch of Freddy the Pig stories (thanks to P, N and L for the suggestion!), the first two novels from the Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix and two physics books that looked interesting on the shelves of our library (and I hope will continue to look interesting in our home!).

2. The Geek Dad's Guide to Weekend Fun (kiddo and Dad are having fun choosing projects that look do-able with materials on hand). Kiddo needs to find a humorous passage to memorize for an oral recital in February 2012 (organized by our charter school) so we're revisiting our favorite Gerald Durrell memoirs plus the wonderful King Solomon's Ring by Konrad Lorenz for ideas.

3. Tons of Calvin and Hobbes, of course.

4. And for me, the satirical and moving The Elegence of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery (suggested on one of the many e-lists I belong to) and because I seriously need to keep refreshing my understanding of basic physics, the easy-to-read For the Love of Physics by none other than the MIT Open Course Ware superstar prof, Walter Lewin.

For movies, we hope to watch Tintin! And on my Netflix queue, Love Actually (thanks Sheila!) and One Day.

Wishing you a lovely holiday season, dear reader!


  1. Sounds like you have all you need to have a wonderful holiday. I love all your book choices.

    Happy holidays to you and your family!

  2. Have a great holiday! Tiger has been reading the Calvin & Hobbes series, and I have been watching movies online, so I guess we have started to wind down before officially declaring it.

    See you back here after the recharge!

  3. Sounds like a great reading list to me! We are up to Friday in the Garth Nix series here. Just finished reading One Day, so would love to see the movie! Tintin, the Muppets and Sherlock Holmes are on our movie wish-list too!

    Have a great break!

  4. I have no idea how a physics book can look interesting :)

    We have the Garth Nix ones here as well to read with B.


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