Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Do You Tweet?

For someone who gets excited by and embraces web technologies fairly swiftly, I'm surprised by my reluctance to start tweeting. This is not a should-I or shouldn't-I post because I feel very sure about my decision not to least for the near future. But I am curious. Very curious to know if you tweet and why or why not. If you do tweet, how much of your day does it take? Do you feel you could or should or would rather be doing something more productive but just can't stay away from the buttons? Or do you feel Twitter has seriously added extra quality to your day? If you homeschool, does tweeting bring any obvious benefits to your overall learning journey?


  1. I do not tweet. I took one look at Twitter and thought, 'wow, what a great way to waste time!' Lol!s I like email and blogging, much more personal ;)

  2. I barely have enough time for life! I do not need to show my girls even more how much attention I give this laptop. I'd often like to tell everyone it's broken and just put it away forever.

  3. I don't tweet and I don't text (I just don't want to spend that much money on the phone and unlimited plan I would need). I do Facebook and I believe some people use it like tweet, although I can't say for sure because I've never even checked out tweeting. But I can say when one of my "friends" begins posting every little thing he or she is doing (I'm headed to work now; Off to the gym; picking up kids from soccor, etc) I find it fairly boring and usually "hide" those people from my home page for all time.

  4. We have so much in common ladies! I don't tweet for these reasons too and like MamaShift already feel so bad about the amount of time I dedicate to my laptop. But I'm sure there's always pros and cons in everything so am really wondering what the key pros are here. Anyone else care to add a thought?

  5. I don't post tweets myself, but I do follow some other tweeters - mainly unschoolers. It only takes me a few minutes in the morning to scan through and see if anyone has posted links to any interesting sites or blogs. That's the extent of my usage and lately I've been wondering if I should even bother with that. Most times those links pop up again on blogs I read..

  6. No tweeting or texting here, either. I've lost enough time to facebook (embarrassed smile, thank you. My phone is a basic, pay-as-you-go type, and it's usually off. Just not that in to being found 24/7, I guess.

  7. I don't FB or tweet. I have to confess that a certain amount of it is snobbery: how much do I need to know about someone's child/pet/friend/self discovering the joys of the snow at THAT VERY SECOND?

    At times it seems to me as though we're all a bunch of slightly drunk teenagers with texting implements. So I avoid it. I'm also in the process of imparting to my kids the dangers of posting naked debauchery on one's FB account should one wish to later enter public life. Ahem.

  8. Sarah, yes! I agree. I have that same cell phone plan and am not inclined to advertise my every minute of existence to the world. Hey, I have my blog(s) for that LOL!

    Sheila, as always, thank you for supplying my laugh of the day! He he he. Sigh, one more thing to add to homeschooling curriculum of the future. How NOT to Facebook!

    I don't FB either. I think I'm just very happy with blogging right now. It took me about 5 years of constantly trying to start a blog to actually stick with one. So who knows? Perhaps after the kiddo leaves for college (he wants to be homeschooled till college actually!) I'll try one of these out...or the some other must-try of that period. :)

  9. I Tweet. It's mostly work related for me because I post my articles there and on Facebook. It's a quick way to get my new articles seen by more people (and sometimes "retweeted" to their followers and more viewers), and I also find lots of links and stories to pass on or write about. I follow a lot of other writers, homeschoolers, etc. and often find some pretty neat stuff they're passing on.

    I only open it twice a day, to post my latest articles and scan what's been going on.

  10. Alicia, I'm sorry. I thought I'd answered your comment when I realized I haven't. Yes I definitely see the strength of tweeting to get ideas and resources. That's the main benefit that has me wondering whether I should tweet some day. Thanks so much for sharing!


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